- The papers should be submitted in electronic form till October 25, 2020.
- Volume of the paper should be up to 10 standard A‑4 pages in English, ready for printing in electronic format (PDF);
- Font: Times New Roman; font size – 12 pt, Single spacing;Title: in bold type, capital letters, Times New Roman, font size – 16 pt.
Name of authors: font size – 14 pt (without degrees).
Affiliations: Include data for the authors at the end of the paper as follows:
* degrees, name, family name
* organization / company
* address for contact
* telephone, fax number, e-mail - Regulation for presentation of the report: 12 min + 3 min. for discussion
- It is possible to present the reports during the sessions online or by broadcasting a pre-recorded video file.
A template for paper submision can be downloaded from HERE